Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Letter of Thanks

Today we walked with JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) to raise
funds for a cure and awareness. It marks our third year participating in
the walk and almost the three year anniversary of Ryan's diagnoses. It was, and will always be, emotional for me, especially when crossing the finish line. The symbolism it represents for us, challenging this disease, living with it daily and prevailing like we do. I enjoy seeing other D (diabetes) families we have met and come to befriend along this
journey. I take comfort in the growing numbers of friends and family who join
us to support us each year. I want to thank those of you who support and have
supported us on this journey. It means more to us than you know.


  1. It was a glorious day -- so emotional as you envision the day we cross the finish line into a cure!!!

  2. It's always emotional, isn't it? I doubt that will ever change. It's such a fun day! I'm glad to hear it went well!
